We offer operational and strategic HR consultants matched to your company's needs. With the right skillset, experience and personality, they provide you with added value and work relief where you need it, so that you can focus on the core business instead.
HR consultants who quickly understand your business!
Do you need operational work relief to be able to prioritize strategy work or maybe you lack resources and skillsets in specific projects? Our consultants quickly get to know your business and help you achieve set goals. Business-driven and sustainable! Welcome to contact us!
Sweden's most business-driven and sustainable HR consultants
Sometimes situations arise when you quickly need a consultant on site for a time-limited assignment. Perhaps there is a lack of specialist competence in a project or a need for continued business development when someone has left?
Our consultants quickly become familiar with your business and help you reach set goals. Business driven and sustainable!
Are you facing a reorganization or liquidation that involves redundancies?
Organizational changes often create uncertainty for both employees and managers. If it is also a reorganization that leads to redundancies, there are many rules and laws to deal with.
We offer advice and labor law expert help for questions about reorganization and redundancies through our HR Business Support as well as through interim solutions in the form of project consultants and HR support during the process for larger projects.
Read our business cases about how we supported Coop and Agora with reorganization, change management and liquidation.
Cost-effective and flexible
Hiring an experienced and competent HR consultant is a cost-effective and flexible solution in a rapidly changing world. When you urgently need extra HR competence, or while you are looking for a permanent HR solution.
Through our niche and dynamic network as well as our candidate and customer knowledge, we can, based on your needs, quickly provide the right person with precision. Everything from HR and recruitment consultants to project and expert consultants within HR.

Some of our passionate partner consultants
Martin Ortbrink, Human Resources Advisor

Some of our passionate partner consultants
Marina Nyblom, Interim assignment HR Manager Landshypotek Bank AB

Some of our passionate partner consultants
Andreas Carlberg, HR consultant TRR

Some of our passionate partner consultants
Veronica Lejsved, HR Business Partner Kunskapsskolan