Our services
We provide for your HR needs
Through process-oriented recruitment, specialized consultants, ongoing support and competence development, we always guarantee to provide the highest quality – in a smooth and committed manner.
Effective project and interim consultants
We offer operational HR consultants adapted to your business needs. With the right skills and experience, they provide you with work relief so that you can focus on the core business instead.
Business focus with HR Business Support
With our effective HR strategies, we provide the right solutions for your organization’s profitability. HR Business Support is for both large and small HR needs.
Dedicated search and recruitment
Our unique, proven and fast process ensures that you get the right skillset to the right position. We work with experienced recruiters and have a solid candidate network within HR.
"PeopleProvide is a driven team that quickly gets to grips with the business and deliver."
“With our business-driven HR competence, we give our customers the power to develop both profitably and sustainably – always in an easy and dedicated way.”
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HR Recruitment
We remain in the dialogue!
We start from your business and your challenges. We remain in dialogue with you until we understand your business, organization, challenges and skill needs and thus create a consensus for our collaboration.
By also remaining in the dialogue with possible candidates until we understand how well they fit your needs, we become extremely accurate in our HR recruitments. We understand business and we know HR.
– By standing still, we deliver accurate matches
Achieve your business goals by having the right skills
Prosperous organizations are successful because they have a clear business plan where HR is included. Having the right skills on site helps you to achieve your business goals. You are welcome to contact us and we will provide the right solution for your company.
We know HR-Recruitment
We know that the right match in a recruitment is crucial to secure companies’ skills needs. Good recruitment is a prerequisite for driving the company’s business development, while saving both money and energy. We work exclusively with recruiting and filling HR positions. From HR assistant to HR director and specialist roles within HR such as sustainability managers, L&D and Talent Acquisition Manager. We have a niche, active and relevant network with, for us, well-known candidates, which we are continuously expanding.
Business-driven and sustainable
By using us, you can ensure accurate HR recruitment. We are with you through the entire process. We can also contribute with a ”second opinion” as part of your own recruitment process.
We put your business needs in focus and regardless of what your business challenges look like, we believe we can match your expectations through accurate delivery, while you can focus on your business.
The process
- Customer analysis and requirements profile
- Search process
- Review of applications
- Selection process
- Interview
The process
- Customer analysis and requirements profile
- Search & search process
- Review of applications
- Selection process
- Interview
Do you want to get in touch with us?
Smooth and committed
At PeopleProvide, we are specialists in HR competence. When you turn to us, we provide the right person for the right position – both for consulting and recruitment solutions. We know what is required in HR for organizations to develop profitably and sustainably.
A company at the forefront of HR
When PeopleProvide was founded in 2014, our purpose was to deliver the best HR skills on the market. Today, we have gathered about 20 committed employees who together with an even larger network of consultants make sure to provide the very best solutions in HR, always according to your unique needs. Everything we deliver must contribute to increased profitability and success, regardless of whether it concerns HR support or recruitment. We have efficient, established processes and a strong will to constantly develop and make a difference for both employees and companies.
New perspectives on HR
Our biggest task is to adapt our services to your needs. That is why our business-driven employees work thoughtfully to find the simplest and best solution for your company’s challenges. Our consultants work mainly in areas around Stockholm – but also in Gothenburg and Malmö. You will find our office on Swedenborgsgatan in Stockholm, close to Mariatorget. Feel free to visit us for a cup of coffee, or just give us a call or send us an email. We are always happy to get in touch with future consultants, or with you who are an employee or CEO in need of HR skills.
Our history
Since we started in 2014, a lot has happened. We have now grown to become a company at the forefront of HR.
PeopleProvides resa startas vid köksbordet hemma hos grundaren Anna Möller, då hon startar bolaget för att leverera HR-tjänster. Missionen är att öka förståelsen av affärsdriven och hållbar HR som möjliggörare för bolag under utveckling.
PeopleProvide har nu ett flertal anställda och har sedan starten genomfört ett 40-tal rekryteringar och ett flertal konsultuppdrag. För att kunna möta företagens unika behov av HR-tjänster utökas utbudet från konsulter och rekrytering till att även erbjuda HR Business Support. Vi flyttar också in på vårt nya kontor på Katarinavägen i Stockholm.
PeopleProvide omsätter nu över 20Mkr och har flertalet fina kunder. Vi utvecklar bolaget med nya positioner såsom säljare och konsultchef och har även vårt egna skyddsombud.
PeopleProvide flyttar till nya egna lokaler på Swedenborgsgatan vid Mariatorget som renoveras för fullt, samtidigt som vi rekryterar allt fler nya providare och tillsättningen av HR-rekryteringar och konsultuppdrag ständigt ökar.
PeopleProvide har nu ett 20-tal anställda providare och en styrelse tillsätts med en extern ordförande. Vi har genomfört 100-tals rekryteringar och har fortsatt stor efterfrågan på konsultuppdrag. Omsättningen är över 30Mkr och vår tillväxtresa belönas med en Gasellutmärkelse på Konserthuset i Stockholm.
Planet, People, Profit
Planet, People, Profit blir ledord som påverkar verksamheten under 2019. Vi fortsätter att utveckla våra tre affärsområden – rekrytering, interim och HR Business Support. Plogging (plocka skräp och jogga) är ett nytt fenomen och vi tar in plogging-grundaren Erik Ahlström som inspirerar och certifierar oss som ploggingambassadörer. Detta medför att vi ploggar med flertalet kunder under året.
Vi genomför en värderingsdag för att stärka våra värderingar och banar väg mot bolagets mål att skapa affärsdriven och hållbar HR för våra kunder. Genom ett mycket utmanande år där vi, tack vare alla providare som tillsammans gjorde sitt yttersta, fick behålla de flesta av våra fina kunder och samtliga av våra anställda konsulter. Trots en dalande omsättning på grund av covid avslutade vi året med ett plusresultat.
“All time high” med 43Mkr i omsättning i en stabil organisation med fin providing-kultur där vi tillsammans fortsätter att bidra till våra kunders framgång genom affärsdriven och hållbar HR. Organisationen utökas med viktiga nyckelroller inom konsult, sälj och marknad.
PeopleProvide blickar framåt. Målet är att se en providare i alla framgångsrika bolag.
Join us
Do you share our passion for business-driven and sustainable HR? At PeopleProvide, we are rapidly growing and would like to get in touch with you who are ready for the next step in your career.
En karriär hos oss
Delar du vår passion för affärsdriven och hållbar HR? På PeopleProvide befinner vi oss i snabb utveckling och vill därför gärna komma i kontakt med dig som vill ta nästa steg i din karriär.
Read more about our services.
We offer consulting solutions, HR Recruitment and HR Business Support for HR competence that is business-driven and sustainable.
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Case - eng
Business Cases
PeopleProvide is a competence company providing for organizations' HR needs – from consulting and recruitment solutions to support and development within HR. We always guarantee to provide the highest quality, in a smooth and committed manner. Read about the journey we made together with some of our clients.
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Business-driven & sustainable HR
We give our customers the power and knowledge to develop profitably and sustainably, with business-driven HR competence. Simple and Committed.
HR-Interim Consultant
We offer operational and strategic HR consultants matched to your company’s needs.
With the right skills, experience and personality, they give you added value and relief where you need it, so you can focus on the business.
HR Recruitment
We start from your business and your challenges. We remain in dialogue with you until we understand your business, organization, challenges and competence needs and thus create a consensus for our collaboration. By also remaining in the dialogue with possible candidates until we understand how well they fit your needs
HR business support
Do you have personnel responsibilities but don’t have the time? Perhaps you are the CEO of a small company without an HR department? Or is the company in a growth or change phase? There are many occasions when it is important to get the right and fast support in various HR matters.
We'd love to hear from you!
Planet People Profit
Our best tips for you who want to work successfully with strategic, business-driven & sustainable HR initiatives.
Become one of us
Do you share our passion for business-driven and sustainable HR? At PeopleProvide we are in rapid development and therefore want to get in touch with you.
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